By enrolling in the Time to Thrive program, you agree to adhere to the following program guidelines:

  • You are participating with the intent to grow your business. You realize that there is work involved and you are ready to commit to doing that work.
  • You understand that the results of the program depend on factors such as your participation and motivation; your background and experience; the amount of work that you put in; and your unique circumstances – and that you yourself are solely responsible for any results that may or may not arise as a result of your participation in the program.
  • You know that a key component of the program is group coaching, and you agree to do your best to participate actively to the group experience during that coaching.
  • You understand that the Time to Thrive community is a space where members may share business and/or personal information and that some information may be of a sensitive nature. You understand that any information shared within the Time to Thrive community is confidential, and you agree to NOT share that information with anyone outside of that community or use it for any other purposes than supporting your peers during group sessions.
  • You agree to communicate in a way that is constructive, empathetic, respectful, and positive.
  • You are aware that my role is to facilitate the group coaching sessions and that this role involves maintaining focus; managing time limitations; and ensuring equal participation. You agree to respect the time limitations and to give room for other participants when I recommend that you do so.
  • You understand that these guidelines exist to contribute to the trust and progress of all participants in the Time to Thrive community. You are aware that breaching any of these guidelines will result in a 1:1 call with me to discuss the situation, and that such a breach may ultimately lead to the termination of your participation in the program, a decision that will be made at my discretion.
  • You understand that no refund will be made if you decide to leave the program, or if your participation is terminated due to a breach of these guidelines.


My responsibilities within the Time to Thrive program are to:

  • Share with you the system, tools, and insights to grow your business
  • Facilitate the group coaching sessions
  • Support you in setting goals for what you want to accomplish during our time together
  • Help you overcome obstacles and find constructive solutions
  • Be present and available for you during our sessions
  • Be supportive and constructive at all times, and always speak the truth as I see it
  • Maintain client confidentiality to the full extent allowed by law


I have made every effort to accurately represent the Time to Thrive program and its potential benefits and promise to support your growth journey by sharing my system, tools and insights through video classes, worksheets and group coaching sessions. However, results can and do vary, depending on factors outside of my control. Such factors include but are not limited to:

  • Your participation and motivation
  • Your background and experience
  • The amount of work that you put in
  • Your unique circumstances

Therefore, I cannot make any promises about nor be held responsible for any potential
results or lack thereof as a result of your participation in the program.

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