About Me

Hi, I’m Sanna!
I’m a business coach, course creator, teacher, serial entrepreneur and mom, who is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs unleash their full potential! I believe that you are here to make an impact – my role is to help you uncover what that is and how you can make it happen.

My journey started in the corporate world – a great “school,” but one where I instantly felt uncomfortable. I didn’t buy into their definition of doing business, and I longed for creative freedom!
Having grown up with entrepreneurial parents, I knew that another path was possible. In 2006, I started my first business, and I have since helped hundreds of entrepreneurs build sustainable success through business strategy coaching and courses.
Women entrepreneurs have a special place in my heart. My mom was the first entrepreneur I ever knew, and there were times when she supported our entire family through her copywriting business. She made me realize that running a business is both a great way to create the kind of life you want and an important force for independence and equality.
One of my core beliefs is that success can and should be built on who you are and what you love! I know how pointless and, quite frankly, life-draining it is to leave your personality behind in business. That’s why I dropped the (literal and metaphorical) business suit a long time ago, and I’m never putting it back on!
My mission is to help you build a business that works for you; a business that gives you financial stability and creative joy; a business that works around your life instead of the other way around.
You, my friend, are an essential part of my purpose, and I can’t wait to help you make your big dreams happen!