
Wednesday, February 8 at 08.30-09.30 CET (am).

The 5 mistakes you want to avoid if you want to

grow your business!


Register now to join the webinar "The 5 mistakes you want to avoid if you want to grow your business!"

Are you a female entrepreneur and ready to grow your business? Then you’re in the right place!

I have worked with business development for more than 25 years and have helped hundreds of women entrepreneurs grow their business and build sustainable success.

During that time, I have discovered that there are 5 big mistakes that keep a business stuck – and I have also found that these mistakes are made even by the savviest of entrepreneurs!

In this free webinar, I talk about these 5 mistakes: what they are, how they hold you back – and most importantly, what you can do differently!

Here’s why this topic matters:

As a business owner, you put so much time, energy, money and love into your business. Making the most of that investment is just common business sense – but that doesn’t mean that it’s easy! 

If you’re making one or more of these mistakes, the output of your business is probably smaller than your input. 

How do you know if that’s the case? Some of the symptoms would be related to lower levels of:

  • Income
  • Reach
  • Productivity
  • Motivation
  • Customer connection

In this webinar, I talk you through why so many business owners make these mistakes, the negative impact they have on a business – and most importantly, what you can do differently!

I also share why I am obsessed with sustainable success – and how my business growth program helps you achieve exactly that. (Full transparency: yes, I will be giving you a special offer at the end of the webinar). 

One of my life purposes is to help women entrepreneurs live fulfilled and financially independent lives. This webinar is part of that purpose, and I cannot wait to meet you there! 

With love, 

Sanna xo

What people are saying




“Sanna has deep knowledge of this topic and speaks with humility, focusing on what people truly need in their business. Thank you Sanna, I learnt a lot!”




“Thank you Sanna, this was so inspiring!”




“That was sooo good! You're amazing! You should do more of these, so helpful!”




“I don't understand how you can be so eloquent and get your point across so nicely and clearly without getting tongue tied or rambling."

When, Where, How


Wednesday, February 8 at 08.30-09.30 (am) CET.


Via Zoom – you’ll get the link upon registering.


Presentation with Q&A.

Are you in a different time zone? Find out your local webinar time here.

I encourage you to join the live webinar, since you will get the most out of the live Q&A that way. Don’t worry if you can’t make it though: the recording will be available for 48 hours afterwards.

I look forward to seeing you there!

With love,
Sanna xo
PS. Any questions? Email me at, I’ll be happy to hear from you. Don’t forget to put “Webinar 2023” in the subject title. 🙂 

Join "The 5 mistakes you want to avoid if you want to grow your business!"

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